Friday, September 24, 2010

Teleférico &Volcano Pichincha

Gondola ride up from the city to 14,000 feet altitude

Our Spanish School Buddies: Nana from Denmark, Natalie from UK and Philip from Germany
The ridge line from right to left is the trail to the top of Pichincha which is in the clouds.

The hearty four hiking up to 15, 400 feet.  I didn't make it this far, but I chatted
with others on the trail, returned to the cafe to drink coffee and read a book then met the group for the sunset.

Enjoying sunset over Quito, Volcano Chimborazo (Ecuador's highest peak) in the distance.


  1. Be careful there Anna Lee. When I was there a friend of mine was hiking that thing and a couple next to him got struck by lightning and were killed at the top!

  2. oh my goodness Maurice - that is terrifying and so tragic. Thankfully they made it down safe. We did go to the "middle of the world" today and there was some wicked lightening but pretty far away.
