Saturday, September 18, 2010

Farewell Galapagos

Puerto Ayora was our home for ten days - the longest we have ever vacationed in one spot.  For us it was an unusual experience of relaxation and touring at a leisurely pace.  Nice to become so familiar with one little village, having our new acquaintances pass us on the street greeting us with a smile and "Hello my friends!", swinging in our nearest bakery for a snack before heading to the dock and the birds, animals and sea life as interesting and fun as I'd hoped for.  While the remote experience had charm, there was a restlessness of staying on a little island - at the mercy of departing boats and don't underestimate the pleasure of water pressure and sustained hot water.  The island pace was a good shock to my system and it was enjoyable to make a connection with a place I've dreamed about for so long.  Coming off several days in the islands it's odd to think I will likely never return, but perhaps that will only add to the unique mystique of the Galapagos.


  1. So glad you guys got to Galapagos... something I have imagined seeing since 7th grade science. Hope it was so much more than the pictures portray!

  2. I'm totally in the same boat Helene - childhood learning is very impressionable :) It was beautiful and very interesting.
