Monday, September 20, 2010

Our Home in Quito

We arrived Saturday Sept. 18th in Quito and were taken to our home in Quito with Gloria Ines and her two daughters Ana (27) and Angela (22).  Gloria speaks no English and we are struggling through our Spanish - immersion does seem to work well because we desperately want to communicate so we are muddling our way through.  We started classes Monday at Simon Bolivar, a 20 minute walk to school each day then back to the house for absolutely amazing cooking, soups then meat/fish, rice and vegetables.  We have both been very impressed with Gloria's food and smiling hospitality. 

First Day of School

1 comment:

  1. wow, that's a lot nicer than the place I was trying to recommend to you :)
    Keep up with the struggling. It will pay off in the end!
