Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Trekking on the Inca Trail

Our hiking buddies from UK, Ireland and Panama

A typical style of a porter's pack, although this one is on the small side

Our base camp hut the first night of camping

Breakfast at base camp. Throughout the trek we were throughly impressed with the taste and quality of the food prepared for us.
Sayacmarca an Inca site on the trail to Machu Picchu with great views of the surrounding valley. 

Hiking up to the second pass.

Descending the side of the mountain at the Sun Terraces. 

Wake up Tea.  Each morning we were greeted by Delia our guide (on the right) and the cook assistant wanting to know what our morning hot drink selection to enjoy while still in the sleeping bag.  This is not American backpacking.

Runkurakay a Inca tambo or resting place for couriers carrying messages to and from Machu Picchu.


  1. You met some paddies on there Anna Lee?! Where in Ireland where they from? Did you tell them about your favorite Irishman?

  2. Of course we (aahem...I) mentioned you since it would be the coolest thing ever if you happened to be middle school sweethearts or she despised you, but sadly no recognition of Liddys and she wasn't from your town b/c when she said it I didn't recognize it.
