Saturday, October 16, 2010

Lima with no Luggage

Traveling on an overnight bus from Huaraz we arrived in Lima but our luggage did not.  Still in the clothes we rock climbed in from the previous day we ventured out into the city to see the old town, San Francisco monastery and catacombs, wandered around Miraflores district and cliff-tops, the Pacific Ocean, Havana coffee and chocolates, a little shopping for a new book by Mario Vargas Llosa (Peruvian author who just won the Nobel Prize for Literature), saw our first Starbucks and refrained, ate on pizza street and crashed at our hostel.  

In the morning we were scheduled to catch at 9:40am bus to Tarma, we returned to Movil Tours bus station at 7am to retrieve our luggage that was supposed to arrive overnight after being misrouted to Trujillo but it had not arrived yet.  Through a two hour torrent desperately trying to communicate and locate our luggage we were told again and again "quince minutos más."  Thankfully a the latest possible moment for us to zip in a taxi and make it to the other bus station our bags appeared as I startled the unsuspecting Movil worker with a giant bear hug of gratitude.

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